It is better to know your horse before giving him a name. In this way, you will be able to choose the best name that will describe his personality. Color can play a big part in naming your horse as people notice this first then it’s personality. The breed can also be a part to choose a good name for your horse. Horse names are an inspiration for us, and keeping the name is also a catchy tag to call your horse.
Another important thing is how we can train our pony his name, here are some tricks you can remember your horse his name.
Build a value
You should build value for the name you want to give your pony. Like if your horse name is ”lucky”.Hold food in hand and call lucky to feed. That way he really understands, every time he will listen to this name, a value associated with this name. Now keep in mind every time we rewarding and luring ”Lucky’ he follows the food.
Use whistle
All you need to do is to sing some song or whistle, after he turns to head towards you, say his name in a clear voice. You should train your pony for a few minutes in a day because they will get distracted easily and do not call by nicknames if his name is ”Lucky” call him only lucky.
Horsing Around
Use a giant ball and call his name, through ball in one direction and point your horse towards this ball. Try this trick with other games. Dog balls are more attractive for dogs then tennis or basketball. Spend More Time with your dog to show him love in his name.

Male Horse Names
A word we use for male horse names is a stallion. Stallion itself is a good name. There can be names associated with a stallion. The male horse needs a collection of tough and brave names.
Buraq | Admiral | Grandstone |
Appolo | Jetpack | Ace |
Abby | Aiden | President |
Bolt | Trigger | Racer boy |
Lucky | Tank | Texas |
Aragon | Aqua | Apache |
Apple | Arrow | Arthur |
Archer | Wilber | Barley |
Phoenix | Atlas | Dusty |
Cowboy | Big red | Kentucky |
Deputy | Washington | Franklin |
Mortar forker | Great buddy | Flynn |
Clydesdale | Colonal | Diesel |
Priapism | Wiber | Diamond |
Baloo | Batman | Coconut |
Buckeye | Braveheart | Champion |
Pecos | Colty | Bullet |
Diablo | Felix | Frodo |
Steeltoe | Blazer | Harley |
Leonardo | London | Lahore |
Gypsy | Bulletproof | Racer mania |
Marley | Pirate | Ricko |
Woodstock | Connecticut | Bronco |
George | Legend | Buck |
Toby | Moon | Don |
Hustle bug | Chester | Arizona |
Bucephalus | Ballen | Biscuit |
Basil | Alchemist | Bentley |
Asault | Bullseye | Burmese |
Eclipse | Gunner | Ocean |
Read More Male Names

Female Horse Names
”Mare” is a word we use for our female horse. Mare is a young horse.filly is a name used for female horses of 3 or 4 months of age. It is quite easy to give a name to your female horse. Proud owners of a foal put in extra thought if their new ‘mate’ is a female. For choosing a name, make a critical look at your filly and check if there is a special marking on her body. Special marks on the body make her different from the crowd.
Amber | Beauty | Bloom |
Nightshade | Mona | Coco |
Adriana | Angie | Galaxy |
Cherry | Daisy | Natasha |
Strawberry | Dolly | Edna |
Marigold | Skydancer | Epona |
Autumn | Bertha | Betty |
Diana | Flicka | Gutter |
Carolyn | Brownie | Brandy |
Gypsy | Dahlia | Cinderella |
Channel | Cinamon | Clara |
Cookie | Coraline | Cricket |
Clementine | Wisteria | Midsummer |
Dakota | Dana | Diva |
Bluebell | Blackpearl | Dancer |
Plum | Electra | Eliza |
Amber | Pinna | Sasha |
Shella | Cover girl | Esther |
Eudora | Fortune | Fannie |
Foxy | Gemma | Frida |
Gimma | Gretchen | Grace |
Hadley | Moonshine | Garvite |
Shiney | Harper | Gravity |
Hollyhock | Mustang sally | Big Mama |
Buttersotch | Candy | Cute bug |
Ladybug | Hershey | Indigo |
Ingrid | Jasmine | Jersey |
Jane | Jasmine | Justice |
Heather | Jamaica | Lollipop |
Kennedy | Nutmeg | Peanut |

Famous Horse Names
Some pet Names are as famous to use. Famous horse names are easy to call. These names can be remembered easily. Anyone who visits and sees your horse, a special name given by you will be singing for your horse and the guest will remember if it is easy to remember. Copper, Clover, and Stelly were the most famous names of 2019.
Kenya | Kenya | Cooper |
Buddy | Tucker | Ailey |
Molly | Stelly | Tucker |
Maggie | Clover | Whalen |
Rocky | Sophie | Charlie |
Hank | Sinbad | Lucifer |
Shadowfax | Silver | Ringo |
Scout | Tinkerbell | Zorba |
Clifford | Nipper | Snupy |
Ghost | Yeller | Sandy |
Pilot | Snoopy | Brinkley |
Buster | Chopper | Gunpowder |
Flame | Angus | Jet Pilot |
Appolo | Wildfire | Captain |
Kite Runner | Einstien | Duke |
Hercules | Hooch | Nanook |
Quark | Slink | Snowy |
Stitch | Yellow | Zero |
Roheryn | Hidalgo | Jack |
Backup | Astro | Cinnamon |

Unique Horse Names
Unusual or less common names are catchy tags. A unique horse name gives an elegant tone to call. Unique horse names also easy to remember for anyone. People get ideas from unique names and impress to see your pet names. Like if your horse name is Aphrodite, everyone will have a deep look to observe. These names are also very catchy and cool to call.
Sugar n’ Spice | Lucky Chance | Egg Plant |
Rosie Jean | Asper | Cochise |
Mister Ed | American Pharoah | Flying Ebony |
Jackie boy | Artemis | Aphrodite |
Buttermilk | Hera | Lysithea |
Breeze | Bee Bee | Bender |
Chica | California Poppy | Brigadier |
Copper Glow | Rockster | Breaker |
Domb boy | Boby | Estimate |
Jassie Ryder | Remington | Jackson |
Mona | Bard | Bender |
Passport | Bishop | Da Vinci |
Chapman | Budweiser | Ambara |
Annabelle | Booker | Carson |
Almondeye | Sullivan | Bodhi |
Goldeneye | Almond | Heartlight |
Pikachu | Active | Casino |
Charcoal | Chadwick | Mozart |
Chief | Cupid | Cloud |
Cyrus | Bryan | Bambu |
Clearwater | Mangal | Clover |
Bret lee | Asten | Hunter |
Watson | Doodle | Straw |
Dakota | Montana | Goofy |
Cheddar | Daffodil | Denver |

Funny Horse Names
Sassy Names for your horse are actually fun. Fun also looks like a better hobby. Like playing with your horse and calling his funny name is also a good activity. Funny horse names are also entertaining for the horse. Assume Rambo as your horse name. Kip klop and Cupid are now trending names.
Beau-Dacious | Archibald | Meatball |
Jimmy | Dino | Cupid |
Hamlet | Thumper | Turbo |
Nimbus | Rambo | Hector |
Stan | Bitty | Fergus |
Twinkie | Buttercup | Thunder |
Tiger Lily | Tippy | Buggsy |
Rooster | Sparky | Morter |
Buckaroo | Lostma Cowboy | Kip Klop |
Peaches | Ducky | Mushu |
Waffle House | Lumber Jack | Bandito |
Lollygagger | Clark Kent | Cookie Monster |
Clark Griswold | Doonesbury | Copernicus |
Hamlet | Clodhopper | Rainbow Unicorn |
Doonesbury | Hansel | Jasper |
Bartholomew | Carrots | Hobbit |
Hobbit | Gonzo | Buckaroo |
Farley | Cubby | Manny |
Bustopher Jones | Grizabella | Homer |
Goliath | Jennyanydots | Jemima |
Marshmallow | Pickle | Pistol |
Bustopher Jones | Jellicle | Mr. Mistoffelees |
Victoria Jeans | Skimbleshanks | Bobby |
Porkchop | Slink | Tom Servo |
UnderHorse | Yoda | Weldo |

Cute Horse Names
Ponny deserves cute names like butter, oreo, poppy, and fancy. Cute horse names give your horse a simple and cool look. There are many perks and cons of using cute horse names. A major perk is that it makes your horse cute in actual lool. The biggest cone is that you are missing a tough or bossy name.
Black jack | Nina | Poppy |
Butter | Breeze | Wildflower |
Rusty Nail | Genuine | Gold rush |
Toddy | Sailor | Squirt |
Pale Ale | Carbonate | Mulligan |
Oreo | Professor | Madame |
Sushio | Lunar | Fancy |
Amara | Wlado | Bloody Mary |
Monnshine | Jawa | Homerr |
Colonel | Senator | Cutthroat |
Croaker | Mooneye | Daggertooth |
Lemon | Pluto | Picasso |
T bone | Spud | Pugsley |
Seuss | Noodlefish | Ponyfish |
Rabbitfish | Snook | Tapetail |
Crown Royal | Godfather | Vimba |
Wahoo | Barcardi | Jack |
Alice | Amelia | Apricot |
Avery | Audrey | BabushkaBear |
Biscuit | Buffy | Bacon |
Boonie | Arianna | Annie |
Angel | Butternut | Buttercup |
Chocolate | Wrymouth | Clover |
Cupcake | Danica | Dolly |
Dory | Ghost | Honey |

Coat Color Names
If you want to give your horse name according to his color, it will be more unique. Color name selection is easy. You can pick any color name by changing the original name into any language.”ROT” is a translation of red color in german. Cinzento is a translation of gray color in the Portuguese language. Donn is a translation of brown color in the Scottish language.
Brown Horse Names
Penny Loafer | Brown Pit | GizmoClay |
Brandy | Cinammon | Ginger |
Gracie | Honey Bear | Daisy Duke |
Mocha | Whiskey | Nema |
Expresso | Marshmallow | Peanut |
Nugget | Browntec | Penny loafer |
Pumpkin | Buttercup | Sundance |
Leather | Russet | Brownie |
Oatmeal | Caramell | Burnell |
Dusty | Cadoli | Hickori |
More Names for your brown horse
Black Horse Names
Black Pearl | Chocolate | Choco |
Blackcloud | Black berry | Black beauty |
Bandit | Chocolate chip | Blackie |
Caviar | Knight | Dark Angel |
Dawny | Equinox | Hades |
Gray Horse Names
Badger | Mercury | Storm |
Shadow | Stone | Mouse |
Knight | Pebbles | Venom |
Jupiter | Eclipse | Silver |
Sterlling | Aladdin | Storm |
Gray Horse Names Complete list
White Horse names
Cream | Heaven | Milky |
Chantilly | Brume | Ice cube |
Snowball | Goofy | Alfred |

Personality Names
A horse owner knows best about his horse personality. Horse look and horse behavior both can be included in horse personality. It matters a lot either your horse is moody or cool. Some horse owners love to give tough names and some are looking for sassy or cute names. Some tricks of giving horse names mentioned above so you can pick best name according to personality.
Bossy or Swag Horse names
Archer | Broxx | Fender |
Rowan | Boomer | Bugsy |
Samson | Buckeye | Brigadier |
Boss | Brutus | Andra |
Brianne | Damia | Jenna |
Kahlan | Kitana | Rogue |
Silly Horse Names
Chewbacca | 50 Scent | Liberace |
Cinder Alla | Mini-Pearl | Scary Pice |
Ellen Degeneruff | Jimmy chew | Balki |
Buster | Indiana Bones | Niki Jons |

Breed Names
There are more than 50 horse breeds. All horse breeds are unique and elegant so names should follow them. It matters a lot how you give a name for the Arabian horse. There are some famous horse breeds like Arabian, Spanish, Indian Horse and they all need separate names.
Arabian Horse Names
Noor | Badra | Aragon |
Arabian Mare | Saqar | Desert Rose |
Nugget | Diamond | Lady Cat |
Aurara | Chukka | Sohna |
Xender | Lemon Runner | Arabian Bolt |
Tricky | Back Runner | Hoofbeat |
Mystic | Zahaa | Johara |
Darcy | Maha | Reem |
Cash | Melody | Nobe |
Bustamove | Yusha | Rob |
Spanish Horse Names
Poco de Suerte | Benito | Fiesta |
Domingo | Flor | Farida |
Fresca | Inca | Isabel |
Mariposa | Mariposa | Paloma |
Risa | Sebastian | Sonora |
Native American Horse Names
Crazyjack | Bluejerry | Mink |
Azeban | Aiko | Airborn |
Nianthaw | Sibu | Amiral |

Horse Names with Meaning
The primary Greek sun
Greek sun god that pulls the sun across the sky in his chariot
Orangish moon of Jupiter
Goddess of the harvest, ie fields of gold
Flew too close to the sun
Egyptian sun god
Latin for gold, right there in the periodic table
king of the gods
God of the underworld, including precious metals
French for sun
Golden days
From Shakespeare’s The Tempest
Combo of red and yellow, also the name of a renaissance painter
Latin for golden
Crystal and village
Man of history
Helpful friend
Dressed in fur
For brown haired most beautiful horse
Ideal name for strong and powerful horses in greek mythology it is the name of God of thunder
If your horse is sweet to call him honey
Short and funny name ideal for small horses with short hairs
Translating words to other languages you can find good ideas for example Horse in Chinese
If he is calm and faithful, you can call him zero like the ghost pony from the nightmare before Christmas
The word means gold in Japanese , it can be a nice name, if your dog has light brown or golden hair
If your Horse is playful, this name is ideal for him whatever his size is.
He was the inseparable companion of Tintin, ideal if you have an adventurous and playful horse.
The word comes from the greek and used to define the whole universe, so if you love your Horse to infinity, this can be a good name.
If your Horse is black and white ball this name is perfect
Do you like photography ? do you spend hours taking a thousand photos of your Horse Kodiak is his name
Ideal for friendly and extroverted Horse, if your dog is a hurricane , it will be perfect for him
If your Horse is scary you can call him scooby in honor of great dane of scooby -doo series
If your Horse is boss at home then call him boss
Snowflake was the name of Heidi’s goat, use this if your horse has white hairs
If your horse is glutton you can call him brownie it is also great for chocolate brown horses.
If you are music lover you can name his as a group or singer that you like such as bob Dylon
If your horse is one of those who do not stand for still second, always wanting to play with you call him twister
This is a Greek name that conventionally means “away from the
stars” or “deprived of the light of day.”
it is usually used when your horse is aggressive and can be offended some times.
Horsa is an old English word used for the horse itself.
Cinamon is the bark from a tree but it looks cool and gives sound like the moon at the end of his name.
Kit Kat
Kit kat is a simple name we use for our horse, it has no specific history behind it.
Raindrop looks catchy as always having or feeling raindrop on your body is looks natural.
Basil is type of herb, although it has no specific meanings behind it but basil looks good for your horse.
Bogart is a famous actor.
The bomber is an airplane that used in wars to dispense bombs.
Yes, that is the name we mostly used when we want to show the gambler look of our horse, It looks like having a swag or premium name.
Jay is used for jaybird, hence good for a horse too.
Lux is used as we shorten the word ”luxury’. Lux is also a famous soup brand.
Leo has brave look in it, some people say it is a short form of a lion.
Vesper is the name we use for a horse that it represents evening star
Horse Names A to Z
A to C
Name | Meaning |
Arkhip | Master of Horses |
Andre | This one used for giant wrestler |
Apex | Used for top |
Aherne | lord of horses |
Autumn | Name of season |
Aries | Aries is used for star name |
Avenger | Famous from movie Avengers |
Aladin | A fiction story of wise boy |
Arrow | Enough to show swag boost |
Apollo | Used for destroyer |
April | Name of month |
Annabelle | If you have seen a movie |
Baiardo | Bay color |
Boris | Surname of people |
Balius | Name for immortal horses |
Bayard | Bright in color |
Blossom | Winter’s strike on flowers |
Balboa | Movie character |
Basil | Basil is a herb |
Booker | Used for the ticket holder |
Bengal | The country in Asia famous for tigers |
Buddy | Name for fellow |
Biscuit | Name for cookie |
Breeze | Cool morning air |
Bubble | Air pocket in liquid |
Bee | Name from pretty insect |
Booster | Name for a big horse |
Champ | short name for a champion |
Celer | Name of horse from Roman empire |
D to F
Name | Meaning |
Dallas | Dallas is a place name |
Dale | A part from the name of the driver |
Dominator | A horse that can dominate |
Dolly | Name from sheep |
Dreamer | Best name for a horse that loves to sleep |
Dingo | Name from a wild dog in Australia |
Diamond | precious stone |
Diesel | Diesel is fuel |
Easter | Sun arising way |
Ebony | Name for black |
Eton | Name for the horse as swift like an eagle |
Edward | This is the most famous movie character |
Falcon | Bird-like eagle eat rodents |
Fender | Famous guitar brand |
Fifty | Half from hundred |
Faith | Horse name that is faithful |
Firefoot | Name of horse from noval lord of rings |
Fergus | Powerful |
Frank | Famous movie character |
Friday | Name of Holy day from month |
Frisky | Cool and catchy name |
Fireant | Name of dangerous insect |
Fletch | Motion of feathers |
Fiddle | A character from villain family |
Frog | Bit funny but can be picked |
Frontalleto | little head |
G to I
Name | Meaning |
Gambler | Name for gambling professionalist |
Grane | Name from german for the gray horse |
Galathe | For gray color horse |
Ginko | Type of root |
Gulltop | Golden name |
Ginger | Type of vegetable |
Gabe | Name of character from tv show |
Gucci | Shoe brand name |
Goppy | Name for catchy horses |
Goldie | Extension of gold |
Gizmo | Electrical gadget |
Hector | Name for brown horses |
Honey | Famous product from honeybee |
Hunter | Which hunts pray |
Hogan | Famous wrestler |
Hugo | First name from the brand |
Hankley | A town in California |
Indiana | Extension an Asiatic region |
Ipollit | Horse freer |
Ison | Warrior |
Ivory | Famous hotel in Pakistan |
Intello | Short form of intelligent |
Indigo | Color name |
J to N
Name | Meaning |
Jay | For jaybird |
Jack | Famous movie character |
Jumper | Jumping horse |
Justice | Name for casual horse |
Jasmine | Beautiful flower name |
Jet | Jet is force unit to attack |
Jumbo | Large |
Jinx | Name used for cats but good for the horse |
Jetta | Name used for black gem |
Kate | First name of many human names |
Kazoo | Musical toy |
Katy | Used for cute names |
Kite | Kite is flying toy of paper |
Kino | A local Urdu word for orange |
Kodak | Name for the camera brand |
kickapoo | Catchy name for horse |
Lampon | Bright one |
Lemon runner | Ctacthy tag with citrus look |
Leo | Short name for lion |
Levi | Famous jeans brand |
Lucky | Nmae by luck |
Magee | Child of Aodh |
Mac | Short for Mic |
Mango | A fruit name |
Miracle | Sudden thing that bring beauty |
Melvin | Irish name meaning cheaf |
Nike | A shoe brand |
Neptune | A star |
Nacho | Type of food |
Nonios | Myth name of pluto |
O to Q
Name | Meaning |
Oliver | A little iron material |
Olive | Fruit name |
Onion | A vegetable name |
Oscar | An award for actors |
Oslo | A city name |
Oncore | Catchy tag name |
Picasso | A famous painter name |
Panda | Animal name |
Pollo | A horse game |
Pony | Name of horse kid |
Phollos | Name of cave |
Pyrois | Horses from sun |
Pistol | Hand gun |
Pixel | Little part of image |
Pepper | A vegetable |
Quark | Physics term |
Queen | Prime lady |
Quest | Random engish term |
R to V
Name | Meaning |
Rascal | Term used for trouble maker |
Rag | Discared cloth |
Rider | One who rides |
Radar | Term for selection point |
Ring | Term for metal design wear |
Rmington | A gun brand |
Rowdy | A mpovie character |
Ranger | A local army group |
Sahara | Desert name |
Soldier | Army individual |
Spumador | Legend horse belongs to Arthur |
Samson | like sun |
Sophi | Holy |
Stormy | A enviornmental threat |
Sonata | Song style |
Shorty | Extension of short |
Saint | Great for big stallion |
Sally | Catchy name |
Shooter | One who shoot |
Shadow | A layout of passing one |
Sassy | A catchy tag |
Tod | Stubborn pony name |
Tonka | Toy brand who sell trucks |
Trout | Type of fish |
Tank | A big utensil |
Umber | Urdu word for flower |
Utah | Indian city name |
Vesper | Evening star |
Venus | Star name |
W to Z
Names | Meanings |
Willow | For big mare |
Wicket | Entryway |
Warrior | One who can struggle |
Woodsay | Character of wood door |
Wing | A group of army |
Wolf | Brave animal |
Wanderer | One who explore things |
Xavier | Food brand |
Xander | Safe guard |
Star | |
Xanthos | Name for yellow horse |
YO YO | A famous kid toy |
Yakama | Japenese name |
Zed | Alphabet zed |
Zee | Zee is famous short term |
Zaidan | A footballer |
Zero | Looks catchy name for number ”0” |
Zodiac | A star sign |
Zipper | Things that have zip |
Ziggy | Cartoon character |
Zoom | Clear image |
Zara | A clothing brand |
Zebra | Animal name |
Zoro | Famous for pull |
Final words
Choosing Name for your horse is easy.Horses are most beautiful creature on earth.There are alot of factors associated with them.Giving name your horse shows that you have importance for your horse.Naming horse also makes him unique and elegant.These horse names are collected from different sources and views of horse owners. You can choose some names for your horse.We will like your contribution