Can horses eat pineapples? is a commonly asked question. The answer to this is not black and white yes or no. The sweet pineapple contains loads of nutrients in addition to the delicious taste. This summer fruit is renowned for being rich in vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants.
Besides its unique anatomy, pineapple is reputable among human beings for its numerous health benefits. This tropical fruit is offered to many pets and animals as a treat. Many animals have the liking for pineapple.
A well-balanced diet of a horse includes hay, pasture, grains, fruits, vegetables, and other supplements. It is wrong to assume that horses are compatible with all kinds of fruits and vegetables. Some food items are not safe for horses to eat. Thorough research is required before making any addition to the horse’s diet.
Can horses eat pineapple?
The answer gets a yes. Many people presume that this tropical fruit is toxic for the horses but the reality is otherwise. On the contrary to people’s belief, horses enjoy this sweet treat to the fullest.
Horses adore pineapples owing to its sweet flavored taste.
Can horse eat canned pineapple?
It is not advised to feed horses canned pineapple. Raw, natural, and fresh fruit with no potential toxins and preservatives is recommended to be fed. Giving them bits of the fresh pineapple will be good for the horse’s health.
Why Pineapple?
Feed pineapple to the horses as little rewards for the following reasons
- Horses love the sweet, fresh, and juicy flavor of pineapples.
- This exotic fruit will keep the horse hydrated on a hot summer day.
- Pineapple is recommended as a treat owing to the plenty of nutritional benefits.
- It will be a vitamin C booster for your horse.
How to feed pineapple to the horses?
Pineapple is not suggested to be given as a whole fruit rather in slices. There is a possibility of the horse suffocating on the core or the outer skin if given as a whole.
Make sure to remove the outer skin and core of the fruit. Slice the pineapple into rings and then cut them into quarters or smaller pieces which in turn will be easier to swallow.
What things to consider when feeding pineapple for the first time?
Sudden additions to the animal’s diet are prohibited because of the animal’s sensitivity towards change. A horse owner needs to be cautious when feeding pineapple for the first time.
Feed-in smaller quantity first to see if the horse’s body get along with the sweet snack. Initially, feed once within 2-3 days interval to see the results. If there are no ailments, quantity can be increased. Based on the horse’s liking, pineapple can be fed on a daily basis in a certain amount.
What nutrients do pineapples have?
Pineapples have an amazing nutrients profile. They contain the following vitamins and minerals
- Vitamin C
- Vitamin A
- Vitamin B-6
- Calcium
- Magnesium
- Iron
Here is how these vitamins and minerals help in improving a horse’s health

Vitamin C
Vitamin C intake favours the horse’s health in numerous ways by protecting cells, organs, and muscles and keeping them healthy by fighting free radicals. This essential dietary supplement works as an immunity booster and speeds up wound recovery. A Vitamin C deficiency may result in poor hair coat, enlarged adrenal glands, and lordosis. A horse requires 4 to 20 grams of Vitamin C in a day.
Vitamin A
Vitamin A is important for a horse as it improves vision, immune system, and reproductive functions. It also helps in the proper functioning of the heart, lungs, and kidneys. Vitamin A deficiency happens when the horse is not fed with fresh forage for a prolonged period. Brittle hooves and impaired reproduction are the main symptoms.
Vitamin B-6
Not a lot of horse owners are aware of Vitamin B-6 contribution in equine nutrition. It is crucial for muscle development in horses. Vitamin B-6 is responsible for protein metabolism, production of energy, and a healthy nervous system.
Calcium is an essential dietary mineral for a horse’s body. Calcium stimulates some enzyme’s function and assists with other bodily functions. It helps with muscle contractions, blood clotting, and cell membrane functions. Common symptoms include a big head and lameness.
Magnesium is noted for improving muscle and nerve functions. It supports the immune system and reduces equine obesity. Magnesium is important for regulating 325 enzymes in the horse’s body. It is well known for calming the equine nerves. Fatigue, muscle tremors, and excitability are the main symptoms.
Pineapple contains iron in a nominal amount. Horses need iron when they have lost excessive blood and sub-clinical iron toxicity.
Potential side effects of feeding Pineapple
Feeding pineapple to the pets comes with its risks. It is perfectly healthy for an equine if fed in smaller quantities. Pineapple contains a large amount of natural sugar and high fibre. It may upset a horse’s digestive system when fed in large amounts.
The high sugar content in pineapple may result in diarrhoea. Keep a close eye when feeding pineapple for the first time. If there are any symptoms of an upset stomach, then pineapple is not the right snack for your horse.
Is pineapple an expensive treat?
Pineapple may cost heavy on the horse owner’s pocket. Pineapples are expensive because of their high demand and low supply. It can be given as a “once in a while” treat. Only a wealthy horse owner can afford such an expensive treat.
Other treats for horses
Horses love many fruits and vegetables which can be included in the horse feed. Horses love banana, celery, pumpkins, pear, grapes, oranges, cucumber, peaches, cherries, coconut, corn, apricot, and raisins as special snacks. Horses happen to love these tasty additions in the regular feed.
Final Word
Horses enjoy the pineapple delight. Pineapples are reputable for their high nutrients content. Pineapple can be given to the horse in combination with other fruits and vegetables. Even though the findings recommend the addition of pineapple in a horse’s diet, but it should be done in moderation.